Devlog No.3 – My Rosemary

Hey again!
Happy 25th April!

Today we will be telling you about the mechanics most prevalent in My Rosemary.

This topic will be split in two parts, this first one talking about them conceptually, while the second one will be showing screenshots of the already implemented ones.

Our first mechanic is what you’re mostly going to be doing for the most part. Exploring is in the core of the game, which will be both in tune with the story (as in Rosemary looking for her father) and the gameplay.
You’ll have to find objects to open doors around the places you go to. This is done by simply interacting with an object, as in facing it, and pressing interact. Simple and intuitive.

Woman Walking in the Corridor of an Abandoned Building · Free Stock Photo

The next mechanic is linked to the previous one, as it is mostly the outcome of finding an object. This mechanic is about lock-picking. Unlike usual lockpicks, in My Rosemary this is done by inputing a pattern. Here is a very rough draft of how it would look like:

lockpick draft

As seen in the image, the player can move a needle through 4 spaces. The patterns to open these locks will be different combinations of those four directions (check the example in the image for reference).

The length of this pattern depends on the difficulty of the puzzle. As you can imagine, that number will tend to increase throughout the course of the game. There will be many ways to obtain the patterns to solve puzzles like this. One of them is due to the next game element I will discuss below.

Rosemary will eventually find a flashlight, which can be used to light up paths and cast shadows to objects, some of these then being able to carry out information, like a lockpick pattern.

Flashlight Investigation : 4 Steps - Instructables

That’s all for part one, see you next part!

Nymeus Studio

nymeus smol