Giants exec Pat Hanlon takes issue with ESPN’s Elle Duncan mocking Daniel Jones
On Thursday, outgoing Giants quarterback Daniel Jones had some things to say about the circumstances that led to his benching. Then, ESPN’s Elle Duncan had some things to say about the things Jones said. Then, Giants senior V.P. of communications Pat Hanlon had some things to say about the things Duncan had said about Jones.
After Jones gave his de facto farewell address to the team — because it’s obviously over for him in New York — Duncan had some snarky, sarcastic comments to make about Jones.
Duncan’s #ComedyIsHard standup routine about Jones would have gone largely unnoticed because, frankly, who watches SportsCenter anymore? It definitely wouldn’t have hit our radar screen without this tweet from Hanlon: “That an #ESPN personality would mock Daniel Jones’ statement today is mind boggling. Given what has happened at that company over past few years, tone deaf.”
We’re not sure what Hanlon is referring to when he mentions “what has happened at that company” in recent years. There have been layoffs. There has been belt-tightening. There are precious few tent poles that make money beyond live sports, and there’s a clear feeling that the ’80s upstart turned sports titan is slowly sinking.
Jones sank far faster, fueled by a Giants’ business decision to put him in bubble wrap and avoid $23 million in injury guarantees, before his inevitable release. He’s saying goodbye with seven games left because it really is over, and because there’s a chance he’ll go home with pay, sooner than later.
The Giants would surely be fine with that. Once Jones is willing to do it, he’ll be leaving for good.