How to repair weapons in Stalker 2

Need to repair your guns in Stalker 2? As you fight your way through the many threats of The Zone, you’ll find that your weapons start to lose durability, and honestly, most of the guns you find in the game won’t be in peak condition to begin with. Low durability means they’ll deal less damage and might even jam, so it’s a priority to keep them in good nick.

For those who’ve just started, you might be in need of some Stalker 2 tips or want to know how to unlock fast travel for speedier exploration. Otherwise, here’s how to get those weapons repaired.

How to repair weapons in Stalker 2

You can repair weapons—or in fact any other piece of equipment—if you visit a tech NPC. These characters are usually located in big settlements and offer their services upgrading and repairing your worn-down gear. The first tech you’re likely to encounter is Lens in Zalissya, but you can spot them on the map via their little spanner icon.

Speak to Lens, open the upgrade screen, and select the weapon you want to repair. In the bottom right corner of the screen, you’ll spy the “Repair” option as well as a price in coupons it’ll cost you to fix up the weapon. If you’ve got the necessary cash, then hit R and your gun will be repaired. You can tell the current condition of your weapon via the shield symbol next to its name in the upgrade menu: a yellow shield if it’s worn, and a red shield if it’s broken. 

So what does weapon durability actually do? Well, guns with low durability are less effective in terms of stats, and you won’t be able to trade them with most NPCs if they drop below 40%. 

Low durability also increases the likelihood of your gun jamming, meaning you have to remove the cartridge before you can keep blazing away—pretty inconvenient when you’re in a tight spot. Since repair costs are pretty expensive in the endgame, it’s definitely worth keeping your gear in good condition by repairing often, rather than waiting for it to break.