V0.4 Changelog!

Patch v0.4 is out now

And it’s by far the biggest one yet!

New Feature: Options menu

Very minimal for now but currently you can choose: whether or not to draw enemy hp as text, and windowed or fullscreen mode.

New Feature: Fleet Requisitions and Fleet Credits

Now you can put those hard earned badges to good use! Fleet Requisitions are new unlockable abilities that scale in power with how many Badges you’ve earned.

Fleet Requisitions cost Fleet Credits instead of normal Credits. They are earned the same way but are used exclusively for purchasing Fleet Requisitions. All Fleet Requisitions have a cooldown and can only be used every several rounds, so use them wisely!

New Fleet Requisition: Credit Requisition

Running low on credits in the heat of battle? Radio back to command and get yourself a quick boost! Grants bonus credits based on the current round and number of Badges.

Requires 0 Badges

New Fleet Requisition: Orbital Strike

Backed into a corner? Call in an Orbital Strike from the Federation Capital for a quick assist! Summons an Orbital Strike at the target location. Duration scales with number of Badges.

Requires 4 Badges

New Fleet Requisition: Capital Escort

Deploy a Capital Escort Drone to decimate the enemy! Summons a Capital Escort Drone for a single round. Damage scales with number of Badges.

Requires 13 Badges

New Enemy: Shield Drones

Starting from round 30 on all levels every other enemy that spawns will be a Shield Drone.

Shield Drones have 2x the hp of a normal Drone but take double damage from the Archer and Electric Pylon towers as well as rewarding additional credits and fleet credits.

New Tower: Freezer

The Freezer is the Federation’s newest addition to your Fleet! Slowing enemies and making them more vulnerable to all damage, with enough investment the Freezer can become a true force to be reckoned with.

New Levels: Polygon and Quantum

Two top secret stellar anomalies that a local Pirate incursion has uncovered . The Federation needs you to put a stop to it!

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