I gained 75 lbs in 5 years – my husband drunkenly told me I’m a ‘lil ugly,’ he laughed but that’s not the worst of it

A WIFE candidly recounted the hurtful moment her husband disrespected her.

He called her “ugly” and even laughed about it, pointing out her weight gain.

A wife anonymously posted a hurtful conversation she had with her husband to Reddit (stock photo)


A wife anonymously posted a hurtful conversation she had with her husband to Reddit (stock photo)Credit: Getty

An anonymous Reddit post detailed the unsavory encounter in a post to the social media platform.

“We were drinking over the weekend while toddler was at grandma’s. My husband was drunk talking but I can’t stop thinking about it,” she said.

“My husband stared at me for a while and I was like ‘what?’ He said ‘you a lil ugly’ and he bursted out laughing. I said ‘what?’

“He said, ‘you know you don’t look like you did when I met you five years ago, at all.'”


The negativity didn’t stop there, the husband continued poking fun at his wife’s appearance.

“He went out and told me I gained too much weight and he jiggled my arms and said I have flappy arms,” she said.

“I know I gained a lot of weight it’s just hard losing weight when you’re a stay-at-home mom and I have a battle with my refrigerator all day.

“He told me that he wished I lost my weight because it’s more than enough time now since I’m three years postpartum, but he says I’m always making excuses.

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“My husband does help me once he gets back home from work, but during my free time I just want to sleep or relax and I just don’t have the energy to work out.

“My husband also told me that he doesn’t wanna be one of those skinny tall guys that’s with the short fat girl.

My husband was jailed 2 months after we married and I’ve spent £62k visiting him and even got pregnant while he was inside

“The next morning he didn’t even remember saying that to me.

“He said he remembered telling me that he thinks I’m unattractive because I gained 75 pounds in the last five years

“Before my husband fell asleep he said he always thought I was one of those girls that stayed hot forever and never got fat.

“What he said there just stuck with me because he’s not the first person that said that to me.

“My friend back home also told me she never thought I would ever get fat. Now I just feel like a gross freak.”

“Maybe go to couples counseling. If he gaslights you or downplays your feelings, I’d re-think the relationship.”



Fellow Redditors chimed in on the encounter to give their two cents on the matter.

“I’m so sorry you were treated like that,” one wrote.

“I’m assuming you want advice on what to do, and I’d say have a sit down serious conversation with him about it.


“Maybe go to couples counseling. If he gaslights you or downplays your feelings, I’d re-think the relationship.”

“Very solid advice,” another added.