
Hello Everyone !!

In this post I want to show you some animations that were implented in the game.

The first one is the swigging. This animation is played when the character is swiging on the object. When it’s not swingging and if in the air it will make that pose like Spider-Man

The animations is a conjuction of varius animations taken from Mixamo and some tweaks I made myself. Although I use mixamo animations I also use some rigginng to make the rotation using unity’s rigging package going into more details I use the “Override Transform” mode and attach an reference transform to rotate the character model not the actually player.



The way I do the animation is with a blend tree I have 2 Frames(I actually cut 2 seperate animations into key moments) and I have o Animator controller property called VelocityY and the animator interpolates between these 2 frames depending of the charcater velocity in Y if its positive or negative.


So when i rotate the reference tranform I rotate the model. The reason because I’m not rotating the Player GamObject directly is if I do that the movement of the caracter get ruined duo to the rigidbody.

Now I added another animation into the game called Drop Down, not as much complex as the other but the main focus is to show to the player that when he presses W when in air he can go down faster.

For this animation I only see if the velocity in Y is negative.

In general this is the look of my character animator.


Thanks for your attantion and dont forget to Follow my X(Twitter) account, I personally only use to announce IndieDB updates: JoaoFonsecaGames