3 ways companies are using sustainability technology: Expert

Earth Day is right around the corner — Monday, April 22 — along with earnings for major recycling service companies like Waste Management (WM) and Republic Services (RSG). What can be learned from these companies as well as how much of an opportunity is there in sustainability?

PA Consulting Sustainability & Regenerative Economy Expert Tony Perrotta joins Yahoo Finance to discuss market opportunities in sustainability, to which he believe there is $12 trillion worth of value, and how companies are utilizing recycling technologies already.

Perrotta lays out the major ways companies are working to adopt sustainable methods: “First, better mechanical recycling practices are definitely growing and on the scene, leveraged by things like vision technology, robotics, and any conversation that includes technology obviously includes AI… Second, here in the US, advanced recycling technologies are coming on the scene in a major way, so the ability to either use a chemical process or a physical heat process to take hard-to-recycle materials and return them back to useable form. And then, finally, what we’re most excited about is a move into novel and alternative materials altogether. In this realm, you’ve got things like seaweed, alginates, and plant-based fibers…”

For more expert insight and the latest market action, click here to watch this full episode.

This post was written by Nicholas Jacobino

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