Cod Works | Concept Art

To summarize things up Cod Works is a shooter game based on the Portuguese cod fishing in the 20 centuries mixing it with science fiction Victorian era machinery steampunk, we have been developing it for some weeks now and we plan for much more to come.

This week we can finally share with everyone some concept arts we have been working on.

The following concept art consists of the steampunk dory, the boat the player will navigate in our game.
From a selection of thumbnails our artist made it was chosen only one design to sketch. This design consists in an appealing design with accurate structures to make it more believable.

Here is the view of the boat on a side view.

In terms of equipment the boat has a harpoon, a steam based engine with a boiler, a propeller and a chimney, all of this features were implemented and taken into account with the steampunk design we were going for.

Following this you can take a look at a 3/4 view of the steampunk dory.

Last but not least here is the front view of our boat concept art.

With this we finish today’s article, next week we promise to take a look into some narrative aspects of Cod Works and how it will be portrait in the game.

We will see everyone next time.


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