Hello everyone! In this week’s DevLog we will show you some of the already implemented mechanics in the game.
NOTE: All sprites that are being used are not ours. CREDITS AT THE END!
Here is the main menu that is currently working with keyboard and also with a controller. The sprites that are being used ARE NOT OURS. Note that is is a very early version of how it will look like but it works.
In this GIF we show you the early version of our text box, that will maybe be used for little snipets of monolgues that the character will have.
In this GIF we show you the checkpoints mechanic. How does it work? Well, when the player passes through a checkpoint, for now a green checkmark for visualization purposes, that place will be the place where he will ga back to when he meets his end (dies). We can see it in the GIF that the player passes through the green checkmark and then, purposefuly, dies in a trap. He then appears again back at last checkpoint he passed through.
In this last GIF we show you a very rough and early version of the close combat of the game. We see the player his close combat skill to kill an enemy.
Credits for the sprites used:
Background: ViniciusDelRio
UI: Crusenho
UI Buttons: blackdragon1727
This is all for this week’s DevLog! See you next week.